Radiant Capital - Initial vesting schedule
View how RDNT tokens are vested or unlocked over time for different stakeholders.
Note: this data is aggregated from the protocol’s whitepaper, docs, forum posts, and/or core contributors (i.e. not on-chain data).
Daily vesting schedule since launch.
Allocation | Token amount | Description |
Team | 200,000,000 | One year vesting period with daily unlocks between the 24th of July 2022 and the 24 of July 2023, with a three month cliff between the 24th of July 2022 and the 24th of October 2022. |
Core Contributors and Advisors | 70,000,000 | One year vesting period with daily unlocks between the 24th of July 2022 and the 24th of July 2023. |
Token Incentives | 700,000,000 | Assumed to be fully unlocked on the 24th of July 2022. The team / governance decides the exact distribution schedule. |
Treasury | 30,000,000 | Fully unlocked on the 24th of July 2022. |
Total | 1,000,000,000 | Total supply of RDNT. |